Member Care Retreat 2025
It's our favorite time of year again at Footstool Missions Center as we gear up for our 9th annual Member Care Retreat! This year's fundraising goal is $30,000. Whether you can donate $5 or $100, every bit makes a difference to our missionary friends serving in the 10/40 window in Asia!
This is why your donation matters:
95% of the unreached people in the world live in the 10/40 window
but only 4% of missionaries serve in this window. Missionaries
serving in this area work tirelessly but can be burnt out from
the scope of the work, are often under-resourced, and feel
forgotten and undervalued.
To address this need, Footstool is hosting our nineth annual member care retreat for missionaries serving in the 10/40 window. This is a free retreat and will be held from February 19th - February 22nd, 2025 here in Korea. We will be taking the missionaries and their families to a retreat site outside of Seoul and we will have plenary sessions, full childcare, prayer sessions, professional counseling, hair stylists, manicures, and more to serve and minister to those serving overseas.
Please join us in supporting those on the front lines of missions work to receive some rest, relaxation, and restoration!
Grace Reformed Evangelical Ministries
Arise Cafe & Community / 어라이즈 카페 & 커뮤니티
Our Mission:
“To plant a café church community that reaches lost souls and
raises disciples through the Word, Worship and Witness”
Arise seeks to be part of a movement by God to revitalize young families and singles through His Church.
Arise desires to see many young people and families crying out to Jesus once more, one neighborhood at a time.
Arise will target young Korean and international families and singles who are unchurched or have left the church in the Ogeum, Goyang area.
Arise is a commissioned church plant from NamSeoul Church with financial support. The purpose of this fundraiser is to help cover the additional expenses related to opening a cafe/bakery.
Prayers are highly appreciated!
우리의 사명:
“말씀, 예배, 그리고 증인된 삶을 통해 잃어버린 영혼들에게 다가가며 제자를 세우는 카페교회 공동체를 세우는
어라이즈는, 하나님께서 그의 교회를 통해 젊은 가정과 청년들을 새롭게 하시는 역사의 한 부분을 감당하기를 소원합니다.
어라이즈는, 많은 젊은 가정과 청년들이 다시 예수님을 찾는 것을 볼 수 있기를
어라이즈는, 경기도 고양시 오금지역을 중심으로 교회에 가본 적이 없거나 또는 교회를
떠났던 젊은 한국인 및 외국인 가정과 청년층에게 주로 다가려고 합니다.
어자이즈는 남서울교회로부터 분립개척지원을 받은 개척교회입니다. 이 재정모금은
카페/베이커리 오픈에 필요한 추가적인 비용을 지원하기 위한 것입니다.
많은 기도를 부탁드립니다!
plant info session / 개척교회 설명회 (CLICK for Youtube)
1st prayer meeting / 첫 기도회 제목: All/모든 (CLICK for Youtube)
2nd prayer meeting / 두번째 기도회 제목: The Word/말씀 (BAD AUDIO)
3rd prayer meeting / 세 번째 기도회 제목: Worthship (CLICK for Youtube)
4th prayer meeting / 네 번째 기도회 제목: Fellowship/교제 (CLICK for Youtube)
5th prayer meeting / 다섯 번째 기도회 제목: Good Neighbors/좋은 이웃 (CLICK for Youtube)
6th prayer meeting / 여섯 번째 기도회 제목: Witnesses/증인 (CLICK for Youtube)
7th prayer meeting / 일겁 번째 기도회 제목: Arise/일어나라 (CLICK for Youtube)
8th prayer meeting / 여덟 번째 기도회 제목: Shine/비추라 (CLICK for Youtube)
9th prayer meeting / 아헙 번째 기도회 제목: Glory/영광 (CLICK for Youtube)
Church plant brochure / 개척교회 소책자 (CLICK for PDF)
Mongol Kids' Home : Support Manhole Children
Rescue children facing various crisis, such as homelessness, abuse and trafficking, and provide them a safe shelter.
Restore children who have been mentally and physically hurt, and provide trainings that help them to cope with social environment, including public schooling.
Educate children so that they can receive primary education.
Support children and parents to become self-sustaining.
Prevent children from becoming victims of various social problems, including alcohol addiction of their parents, through awareness campaigns and providing necessary care.
Long-term vision is to create a movement through Mongolian churches to support those children and single mothers facing crisis
Reah International
Reah International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to empower and equip Christians, and encourage unity within the Body of Christ to bring the global Church together to engage with the people of the Korean peninsula.
Agape Home
Thank you for donating to Agape Home.
Our top need is for ongoing MONTHLY donors and Child Sponsors. One-time donors are MOST welcome.
Please stretch and dig DEEP. Your hard-earned funds are extremely precious. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
If you have a preferred project, please tell us in the Comment box of the Donate form. We will then notify you when the project is complete! KHA!!!
PS. After completing the donation process, please Share some of our media on Facebook. Encourage others to follow Agape Home and join our community.
Located in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the Agape Home for babies with HIV/AIDS opened in May 1996 as a response to the plight of children impacted by the spread of HIV/AIDS across Thailand.
Many of the children who come to the Agape Home to live are, or are at risk of being, HIV positive. Many of them have already lost their parents to AIDS, and there are no other options for their care.
Agape Home provides a loving family for 100+ children aged 0-21 yrs.
Our services include:
- Nikki's Place - Agape Home: orphanage for Thai children
with HIV/AIDS.
- Project Lek: at-home assistance for HIV+ children living
in impoverished conditions.
- Jarawee Village: family homes for our older children living
with HIV/AIDS.
Soo Jung Pak
God called me to Korea with a heart and vision for a reunified Korea in 2014. Since then, He has opened many opportunities and experiences mostly in SK, but also in NK as well. I've worked with NGO's with a NK focus, with domestic and field missionaries, alongside other churches and have also worked in various settings with South Koreans of all age groups and socioeconomic statuses. I also feel called as an intercessor for this country and also the Church here. I've been mentoring and counseling Korean and expat sisters and brothers. I will be continuing to partner with churches and organizations to equip and raise up leaders and future workers, as well as prayer movements. I am currently overseeing the prayer and counseling ministries at Jubilee.
All Nations Fellowship
All Nations Fellowship (ANF) is a multilingual, multisite, Gospel-centered Christian church dedicated to serving the Greater Nagoya area for the blessing of Japan and all nations.
Our Vision
We long to see a movement of God's Spirit that transforms Nagoya, Japan, and all nations for the glory of Christ.
Our Mission
To make disciples, equip leaders, and plant churches throughout Nagoya by proclaiming, teaching, and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Core Values
1) Gospel-centered - ANF believes that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God for the salvation of all people. The Gospel is how Christians are born, and the Gospel is how Christians grow. We believe that all of our teaching and practice should be based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ found in the Bible.
2) Church Planting – ANF is committed to planting new churches throughout our region. We intentionally meet in multiple sites around the city, and our events are translated into multiple languages to serve the members of our communities.
3) The Nations – Although our local focus is on church planting in the greater Nagoya area, ANF wants to be a blessing beyond our own city. We look for ways to proclaim the Gospel in other parts of Japan and the world for the glory of Christ.
Rocky Braat and Light Partnerships
Support Rocky Braat and his family as they run an incarnational ministry among HIV/AIDS children in India. Specifically, Rocky and his family are looking to raise at least $2,000 in monthly recurring donations to help with their growing family.
ARK Church Seoul
Ark Church Seoul is an English speaking church in Seoul. We are missional, international, and focused on the essentials of a Gospel-centered and Spirit-filled community. We are an independent church-plant established in 2023. Our vision and mission at Ark is to be “A Home for those along the Way," a home base that makes disciples of all nations who are known, know and go. Our heart is to integrate the being and doing aspects of the great commandment and great commission, and to see healthy disciples reach our generation for Christ.
Nagoya English Fellowship
Nagoya English Fellowship is an evangelical congregation in downtown Nagoya. Our services are in English with Japanese translation. Our members come from all over the world. We meet on Sundays for church, and have Bible studies during the week. We would love for you to join us.
Our Purpose
Nagoya English Fellowship exists to:
Provide a haven of encouragement, spiritual nourishment and
fellowship to internationals in the Nagoya area.
To build up and mutually encourage one another in the walk of
Bring the light of the gospel to Japanese and encourage them to
join a congregation
Hope Be Restored
HOPE Be Restored is working to end human trafficking and modern-day slavery in South Korea and in other parts of the world.
We educate, equip, and mobilize churches to get involved in our communities to combat slavery happening in our streets. Through prayer, worship, outreaches, and discipleship, we believe every church can play a role in being light in the darkness.
We provide aftercare for victims of sex trafficking in South Korea which includes: counseling, legal help, education, job training, job placement, friendship building, and discipleship.
We help young children, women, and foreigners in Korea to experience freedom, hope, and a new future.
Please join us in our efforts to bring slavery to end in our lifetime.
Women's Hope Center
Our mission is to see every life valued from conception and every exploited woman in Korea free, healed and empowered.
Thus, we seek to provide:
1) Crisis counseling, addressing physical, emotional, and
spiritual needs
2) Long-term community, housing, and opportunities to
acquire education and job training
3) Safe and dignified alternative employment through our
developing social enterprise
Located in South Korea, Women’s Hope Center (WHC) is a registered non-profit organization that is wholly dependent on the faithful partnership of donors like you.
We seek to reach women at the moment when they first find out they are pregnant and have no one to turn to for help. Most of these young women reach us via our online chat at www.whckorea.org (Korean client outreach), making our reach national. We pick them up from motels or from bus stations. Others are referred to us by NGOs, government-run shelters (e.g. Pohang Family Center) and local churches (e.g.Jusarang Church, "Baby Box").
We run a crisis pregnancy center (the first of its kind in this nation) and "safe homes" (apartments in a community) known collectively as the "HOUSE OF HOPE."
Our clients include women escaping the sex industry (pregnant or not), teen runaways including those who are running away from family trying to force an abortion, aged-out orphans who have been surviving on their own by selling their bodies and young unwed mothers. We do not discriminate between unwed, married and divorced women. We do not discriminate between nationals and foreign nationals (e.g. sex-trafficked, bartered brides). The average age of our clients is 19 years old.
Your partnership in this essential, life-saving and life-transforming ministry is deeply appreciated. Thank you so much.
Stay connected:
ELM (English Leadership Ministry)
ELM (English Leadership Ministry) provides 1:1 English tutoring classes, leadership training and mentoring opportunities to university students living in Seoul. Our main goal is to empower and to cultivate global leaders through education and strategic partnerships with local and international organizations. “ELM” tree is native to Northern part of Korean Peninsula and is one of the strongest trees. It's bark is used for many tools. They uproot and grow well in multiple types of soil as long as they are given the proper amounts of water, sunlight, and shade…just like people, when given the right tools, can be adaptable and grow well in a variety of different lands.
ELM(English Leadership Ministry)의 핵심 목적은 제자 삼는 것이며, 우리 학생들이 그들의 삶 속에서 주님께서 원하시는 목적을 바라보고, 알게 하는 것입니다. 그 일을 위해 ELM은 서울에 사는 탈북민 대학생들을 대상으로 영어수업과 멘토링(신앙과 삶)을 제공하는 사역을 하고 있습니다. “ELM" 나무(느릅나무)는 한반도의 북쪽에서 자생하는 나무로, 가장 강한 나무 중 한 종류라고 합니다. 나무껍질은 많은 도구를 만드는 데 사용된다고 합니다. ELM 나무(느릅나무)는 충분한 양의 물과 햇빛 그리고 그늘만 주어지면 여러 종류의 토양에서도 뿌리를 내리고 잘 자란다고 합니다. 이것은 사람도 동일합니다. 적절한 환경과 상황이 주어졌을 때, 사람들은 다른 지역과 문화 속에서도 잘 적응하며 성장할 수 있습니다. 탈북한 ELM 학생들에게도 영어수업과 멘토링은 한국의 또래 친구들 사이에서 주님의 제자로 자신들에게 주어진 잠재력과 재능을 최대한 발휘할 수 있는 값진 플랫폼이 됩니다.
Crossway Mission Church
Crossway Mission Church is an international English speaking church based in Seoul, South Korea. We are an independent church plant that began in 2016. Our Mission is to pursue God and the passions of His heart as we cherish the cross and finish the mission. Our vision is to see communities transformed and lives restored through discipleship that delights in, declares, and demonstrates the gospel of Jesus Christ - beginning with Korea, to the ends of the earth.
Founded in 2003, Eco-gender has been working to help victims of sex trafficking called modern slaves. The main activities are as follows.
1. Providing support (counseling, medical care, legal, etc.) and shelter for victims of sex trafficking
2. Citizen education and campaigns for anti-sex trafficking (anti-human trafficking)
General Fund
This goes to our general fund to help cover our operating costs. We run as a non-profit, so our ability to support missions depends on donations we receive.
Missionary Appreciation Luncheon 2024
As we host a time to recognize those who partner in our network, we encourage you to partner with us in blessing our local missionaries serving in South Korea! The 7th annual Missionary Appreciation Luncheon will take place on Monday, June 3rd, 2024, from 12:00-2:00. Please join us in showing appreciation to leaders from various missions organizations, para-church and campus ministries, NK-related organizations, and justice and mercy groups. We plan to host over 60 missionaries to the luncheon where they can be encouraged and network with each other and with other English ministry leaders. It will be a great time to share, eat, pray, and connect with others serving in similar fields. Thanks for your support!
Juri & Joe Park
In 2013, God led my husband, Joe, away from a 13 year career he had been working to build, and called him into pastoral ministry. He currently serves as an associate pastor at Jubilee Church. This was obviously a life-altering change for our entire family in so many ways, and we have really learned to trust in the Lord in every area of our lives. In 2017, the Lord allowed me an opportunity to serve, not necessarily only as a pastor's wife, but also through my own unique gifts by allowing me to serve at Footstool Missions Center. We are thankful to the Lord everyday for how He provides every need for our family, which also includes our three children; Joanna (12), Juel (6), and Juno (5).
Would you please consider partnering with our family as we live out our lives in complete service to our Lord through the love of our neighbors? Please consider supporting us through your prayers, your friendship, and if God has placed it on your heart, through financial means as well.
Thank you and God bless you!
JUSTICE 117 FILMS was established to explore and reveal the unfathomable circumstances that exploit the voiceless and the vulnerable. We exist to provide a platform for these courageous individuals who are willing to share their compelling stories in efforts to educate, inspire and motivate radical change in our community, if not the world.
Our next project is SLAVERY IN SILICON VALLEY, a documentary about girls and women being trafficked in the richest region in the world.
Humanitarian Workers Fundraiser
As we are all aware, there are those in our world who dedicate their life to help those in need in challenging places. Unfortunately for many of these humanitarians, they are not able to get the care they need themselves to continue their work well and in good health. Therefore, this fundraiser's proceeds will be designated to assist basic medical costs for people doing humanitarian work in these underresourced locations to give them the relief they need.
Member Care Counseling Services
Footstool offers counseling services to those serving in ministry in the 10/40 Window. Donations to this project help to cover the cost of counseling services provided.
Suggested donations are $40/1 hour session. If you have any questions, please email care@footstool.org.
We believe that unity in the body of Christ is, and needs to be, the main catalyst for missions. The synergy created through Kingdom partnerships is both invaluable and necessary to God’s mission in our world today. We therefore seek to serve as a platform to bring churches and Christian organizations, who have a shared investment in making disciples of those in the 10/40 window, together give glory to God through our unity but to also do better work than we could ever do alone.
Our Impact
given since January 1, 2025
Enter an amount to donate to our general fund: