
TOEFL Trip 2

모금 완료

Teaching TOEFL to University students in Yanji China

Dear family of faith
Some of you know me as one of the Children’s ministry teachers with our inspiring, energetic little brothers and sisters in Christ or from the stretching, incredibly fun Heartland mission trip last summer or from the amazing Hong Kong children’s retreat trip or through our ever encouraging Bible Study Fellowship, or other moments together at Jubilee.
As I reflect on the past two years at Jubilee, I feel so thankful for the growth and blessings I have experienced through this community. “Freely you have received; freely give,”   inspires me to share Christ in all areas of life (Matt 10:8)
Seventeen years old, I felt called to be a teacher after volunteer teaching Sunday school at an orphanage and to patients of a crippled children’s center near my boarding school in Kenya.  At age twenty, an event in my life which I had no control over led me to accept a comforting truth: 1 Corinthians 6:19 ….You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price…”
Being an English teacher has given me the opportunity to work with students from 85 nations of the world. When I heard about the TOEFL course trip to Yanji, I was hesitant to commit because I will be leaving Korea soon. However, I kept feeling that the purpose of training to be a teacher was for opportunities exactly like this.  I even had a dream one Friday night that Ryan asked me to join the team and the very next morning, a Saturday in Ecclesia cafe, Ryan randomly saw me and invited me to join the team. I backed out because I was worried about finances, feeling unworthy, and my current job is very busy this month.  Yet still conviction was in my heart with this thought, 2 Corinthians 8:12 "For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.”
Friends and our BSF prayed for me and after I asked the Lord for 3 days, I felt more desire instead of fear, and recommitted to teaching at YUST in Yanji. 
Through teaching the TOEFL we hope to enhance the opportunities of students. The dates of this trip are July 3-12 and the cost that I need to raise is $1,700 plus a visa fee of $190   (Sorry I forgot to specify that in the letters I sent out earlier. )
If you would like to partner financially with me in this opportunity please consider supporting our team at  or pray with me for our Father to provide. 
We pray that those who have put their trust in Christ may be encouraged in their faith, and for those who have not met Jesus, that their hearts will receive the gift of life which Jesus offers freely to us.
Thank you!
Amy LeBlanc

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