
TOEFL Trip 2

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YUST TOEFL Trip Week 2

I am writing this letter as I'm preparing to embark on a journey to YUST, Yanbian University of Science and Technology in China, as an instructor for a four-week long TOEFL course - from July 3rd to July 12th with my team members. I will be taking part in the second week of the month-long program. 

I'm really excited, because even when I first found out about this trip I didn't imagine myself actually signing up for it. I had doubts and thought it wasn't going to work out. But as I prayed and thought about it more, I felt that I should stop doubting, and just go. Now I'm looking forward to all the encounters I'll have on the trip with the students and other local residents. I personally hope to find a clearer vision, mature spiritually through this opportunity.

Please pray for the students, that they'll be willing to receive whatever we have to offer to them - whether it's related to the test or the Good News. Also, please pray for me and my team, that we'll be diligent with our preprations before we leave, and aso for physical and spiritual strength before/during the trip. 

It would be great honor if you could partner with me for this trip, either through prayers or through finances, as it will require 1,500,000 won to cover all the costs. 

Thank you so much for taking your time to read this, and for your support! 


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