
Team Canary 2015

모금 완료

Jason 후원


From May 31st until June 7th, I will be travelling to one of the poorest and most oppressed places on earth. Along with a small team of like-minded individuals, I will be supporting the local people in some physical work. And while there’s value inherent in that work itself, what I hope for is to help plant a foundation for further opportunities for God to move in that place. I realize that this description is rather vague, but it is necessarily so due to the sensitive nature of where we’re going. I’d be more than happy to fill you in on the specifics in person, so please contact me for more details: jkim83@gmail.com

If you’re reading this, then I believe God has already convicted you to help in whatever way you can. And surely, surely you can be a huge help to me, our team, and the people we’ll be working with in two ways:

1) By contributing towards the ₩1,750,000 I need to raise to go on this trip. This covers transportation, food, accommodations, team supplies, and support for the long-term fieldworkers we’ll be working alongside.

2) By praying—now, and throughout the duration of our trip. Please pray that God’s will would be done in that place, and that we would be an effective part of that. Pray for hope in what you might consider one of the most hopeless places on earth. God *is* moving there, and he wants us (including you!) to be a part of it. Pray as the Spirit leads you—we will too.

Thank you!


 - Jason

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