
Team Canary 2015

모금 완료

Support Paul Kim

Hi all! 

In less than two weeks, I will be going on a mission trip to a place where there is a lot of darkness and oppression. Until recently, I would never have dreamed of going to this place. In fact, I would never have wanted to go! But having recently been informed of how God has been working in this place, I received a strong conviction to go and obey Him in this way.

Our team of seven hopes to:

-Support the long term missionaries already there

-Encourage the missionaries and the locals we will meet 

-Investigate further into how God has been working and how we can help

I am really excited to interact with the locals as we do physical work alongside them, as well as to see and hear how things have been progressing in ways that's still not visible to the outside world. 

In order to go, each member needs to raise 1,750,000 won (roughly 1700 US dollars). This amount will cover transportation costs, accommodations, team supplies, and assistance for those already there. Please support me in this if you feel led to. I'd really appreciate it!

I could also use your prayers! Please pray for:

-Unity within our team, protection from spiritual attacks, overall safety, and ultimately for His will to be done.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to coming back to you all with lots of stories!



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