
Team Canary 2015

모금 완료

Shining Light into Darkness


The people walking in darkness have seen a great LIGHT; on those living in the land of deep darkness a LIGHT has dawned. -- Isaiah 9:2


Dear friend,

From May 31 to June 7, I will be traveling with six team members to a place that has been cast in deep darkness and spiritual oppression for a very long time. Over the past two years, God has been putting this place on my heart-- to pray and intercede for the people and land there-- but it always seemed so distant and disconnected from my life here in Seoul.

Finally, this year, I have an opportunity to go and see what our Father is doing in this land. I believe He is calling us to join Him in His work and sending us to shine as a light to the those who do not know Him. During this trip, our team will visit key sites, meet fellow fieldworkers, and be a witness of God's light to the local people while being put to physical work.

Each team member needs to raise 1,750,000 won for the trip, which covers flight, accommodations, ground transportation, travel insurance, team supplies, and support for long-term fieldworkers. We would appreciate your financial support and your covering in prayer!

While we are there, our team seeks to: 

Support long-term workers and their ministries, 

Encourage people we meet with the love of Christ, 

Investigate what God is up to and how He is calling each one of us to join Him. 

Whether you feel "called" to missions or not, we have all been blessed so that we may be a blessing to others.

Dear friend, will you partner with me in shining His light in the darkest of places?




For God, who said, "Let LIGHT shine out of darkness," made his LIGHT shine in our hearts to give us the LIGHT of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.  --2 Corinthians 4:6-7 

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