Live Scripture

Live Scripture

US$978.01 모금됨

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  • Footstool Missions Center
  • Partners
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Purchase your tickets for the event! Korean bank transfer or cash payment only.

프로젝트 정보

The Bible is an ancient and powerful text that has constantly changed the course of history. Come learn about and touch "rare and ancient biblical artifacts NEVER BEFORE SEEN in Korea" and be inspired to live ancient scripture today!

Come and learn from:

Dr. Scott Carroll: widely recognized as the leading expert in his field and has been featured on television, radio and in written publications, including the New York Times, CBN and the Huffington Post. In the 1990s, he directed an excavation in Egypt of the earliest-known monastery. He curated the traveling “Passages” exhibition in the United States and at St. Peter's Square in Vatican City. He has published numerous academic articles and three books, and has been directly involved with the discovery and publication of many of the most significant biblical discoveries in the past 50 years.

Matt Whitlock: Director of The Tribe, an international network that seeks to inspire, connect, and equip a family of lifestyle missionaries around the world.

Come and worship with:
R45 Worship Band!

Event Cost: 20,000W

Event Schedule:
Session 1 | 10:00am - 12:00pm
Session 2 | 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Session 3 | 6:00pm - 8:00pm

This is a BI-LINGUAL event!

To reserve Tickets via credit card or Paypal, please visit

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Footstool Missions Center

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