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US$11,427 남음
US$26,782 모금
US$38,20870% 달성
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Donations go toward hosting dinners and outings with the kids and celebrating their birthdays and holidays

PhD Dissertation Completion Grant

PhD Dissertation Completion Grant

I have witnessed firsthand the isolation and struggles these children face, especially during the difficult transition once they graduate high school and “age out of the system.” Once leaving the orphanage, they face tremendous challenges living on their own. Living independently, coupled with financial burdens and lack of family support, makes this period all the more challenging, especially in a society that places a such strong emphasis on family ties.

I was awarded a Korean government scholarship to pursue Phd studies in Social Welfare at Ewha Womans University. This program has helped gain tremendous insight into Korea’s social welfare system and the policies that influence institutionalized children. I envision using this degree to access additional government resources in creating essential programs to support young adult orphans during their transition from the orphanage into adulthood and beyond. Furthermore, looking ahead, I also envision developing a scholarship program that would provide the chance for aged out orphans to study abroad. The scholarship program would include living with a host family to experience full cultural immersion and a chance to enhance their English language fluency. The study abroad program would also expand their educational and career opportunities and inspire them to envision what is possible beyond what they have experienced in Korea.

The language barrier, family obligations and financial constraints have impeded full completion of the PhD degree up until this point. It has certainly been a long road and by far, the greatest challenge I have ever faced. Nevertheless, I have finally made it to the ABD (All But Dissertation!) stage. I am determined to persevere until the end, whatever it takes, until I cross that finish line to graduation! With some additional financial support and dedicated time to devote to this work, I am confident can give the dissertation the final push needed towards full completion.

US$11,462 중 27% 달성

College Scholarship Fund

College Scholarship Fund

Donations will go toward supporting young adults once they graduate high school and leave Sungnowon. Scholarship funds will enable aged out orphans to obtain education they may not have access to otherwise, and allow them to pursue a college degree toward achieving their future career goals. Scholarship recipients will receive regular guidance, support, and mentoring throughout their studies.

후원금 모금 현황

2021년 11월 30일~현재
  • 입금된 후원금 US$23,781.65 (목표의 62%) 2021년 11월 30일부터 입금된 금액
  • 미납 후원금 US$3,000.00 (목표의 8%) 후원 약정 후 미납된 금액
  • 총 후원 모금 US$26,781.65 (목표의 70%)

모금 누적현황

  • 총 후원 모금 US$52,513.49 프로젝트 시작 후 현재까지 모금된 금액

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