ARK Church Seoul

ARK Church Seoul

US$45,373 남음
US$54,627 모금
US$100,00054% 달성
  • Footstool Missions Center
  • Partners
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Monthly Donation

프로젝트 정보

Ark Church Seoul is an English speaking church in Seoul. We are missional, international, and focused on the essentials of a Gospel-centered and Spirit-filled community. We are an independent church-plant established in 2023. Our vision and mission at Ark is to be “A Home for those along the Way," a home base that makes disciples of all nations who are known, know and go. Our heart is to integrate the being and doing aspects of the great commandment and great commission, and to see healthy disciples reach our generation for Christ. 

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프로젝트 단체

Footstool Missions Center

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