All Nations Fellowship

All Nations Fellowship

US$101,207 모금됨

이 프로젝트는 더 이상 모금하지 않습니다. 후원에 감사합니다.

  • Footstool Missions Center
  • Partners
  • 해당 프로젝트 후원금은 세금 공제 대상입니다

후원 방법

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation

Apprenticeship Fund

Apprenticeship Fund

Donations to this fund are used to fund our ongoing work in leadership development by making internships and full time apprenticeships possible for budding Japanese leaders in our city. Please feel free to contact us with questions.

Nozomu Goto Kawakami

Nozomu Goto Kawakami

Nozomu-san and his wife are planting a new church in the city of Toyama, Japan.

ANF Nagakute

ANF Nagakute

ANF Downtown

ANF Downtown
총 1개 중 1 - 1 표시