Matt's Cycle for Justice

Fundraiser by Matthew

This fundraiser supports none

$256.93 remaining
$125 raised
33% of $382 goal
This fundraiser does not currently have a project associated with it.

About This Fundraiser

This Chuseok holiday, I will be joining the second annual Cycle for Justice, a three day, 250 km bike ride along the DMZ in South Korea. Our objective is to raise money for organizations combating human trafficking in this nation and to raise up new leaders in this modern day abolitionist movement.

This year we are supporting three great organizations that are leading the way in protecting and advocating for the most vulnerable in society.

- Oak Tree Project ( is a college scholarship and mentorship program for orphans.
- Justice for North Korea
- Do Dream Children Center

Please consider joining our cause through financial support. All of the contributions we receive will go toward these charities.

You can learn more about our cause and other ways you can get involved in this movement at

Thank you for your support!

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